Comparación de diferentes índices bioclimáticos en Cuba

This paper aims to compare different bioclimatic indices in the conditions of Cuba and determine their relationship with the meteorological variables involved. For this, several bioclimatic indexes of thermal comfort are calculated (Effective Temperature, Equivalent Effective Temperature, Heat Index, Humidex, Apparent Temperature, Windchill, Standard Effective Temperature, Effective Physiological Temperature and the Universal Thermal Climate Index) using the tri-hour meteorological data of six stations. The statistical relationships between these and the main meteorological variables that are involved in their calculation are analyzed, as well as their differences with the ambient temperature. The complex indices studied represented very well the stimulation of solar radiation in thermal sensations in Cuba. The comparison between complex and empirical indices in Cuba showed the greatest statistical relationships between the Universal Thermal Climate Index and the Equivalent Effective Temperature, although the last one best represents thermal sensations under humid environments confirming its proper use it the country. The effective temperatures obtained by each index studied differ between them and the real ambient temperature, so these values are not really important for the user but the classification of the thermal sensation and its influence on people.
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