Routes of survial of SSI in India and its futurity - a study of pre and post reform period

The small scale sector in India has particularly emerged as a vibrant and dynamic segment of the economy. The strategy of economic development of any country that formulate programmes for removal of poverty by providing large scale employment, education and training, capital formation, effective mobilisation of resources, balanced economic growth, expansion of trade, transport and equitable distribution of national income with effective involvement and participation of all its citizens in the accomplishment of the goal, cannot neglect small scale industrial sector (SSI). The second generation of economic reforms is underway with vigour. Liberalisation of key sectors is gaining momentum with more relaxed regulatory framework to provide further impetus to growth. Over the past decade, Indian economy has undergone transition phase witnessing the challenges of more free and market oriented environment of the Liberalised era. Being one of the major growth drivers of the economy, the biggest challenge before SSI is not only to survive but also to grow and compete on a sustainable basis. This paper compares the performance of SSI in pre and post liberalised period and focuses on policy changes which have opened new opportunities for this sector. Technology development and strenthening of financial infrastructure is needed to boost SSIand thus growth target can be achieved.
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