À propos du non-profit : rapport du quatrième symposium annuel d’éthique transfusionnelle de l’Institut national de la transfusion sanguine [Not-for-profit: A report from the fourth annual symposium of ethics held by the National Institute for Blood Transfusion (France)]

The not-for-profit issue has been debated in November 2016 in Paris; this issue is one of the four canonical pillars of ethical blood donation. It is intimately bound to benevolence though it is distinct, as not-for-profit calls for institutions while benevolence calls for individuals. It is indeed intended that voluntary blood donors do not benefit from their donation and are thus non-remunerated. Not-for-profit is essential since it refers to the public character of blood as a putative public resource aimed at being shared as a tribute of solidarity. A central question however is linked to the capacity- or not -of public sectors to ensure that blood components are universally available, with special mention to plasma derived drugs, without the contribution of the for profit, private sector.
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