Does whole body exposure to GSM-950 MHz electromagnetic fields affect acquisition and consolidation of spatial information in rats?

Background: This study was planned to examine the effects of whole-body exposure to GSM-950 MHz electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on acquisition and consolidation of spatial memory in rats using a water maze task. Materials and Methods: In experiment 1, the animals were given two blocks of five trials per day for three consecutive days in a water maze task. The interval between blocks was 4h. Before each training session, the animals were exposed to 950 MHz EMFs for 45 min with lower- (0.835 mW/cm2) or higher-power (1.166 mW/cm 2 ) densities. In experiment 2, the animals were given two blocks of 5 trials with a 3 min interval between blocks. Immediately after the last trial, they were exposed to EMFs for 45 min with lower- or higher-power densities. In both experiments, 48 h after the last training day a 60 s probe test was done. Results: Results from experiment1 (pre-training exposure to EMFs) indicated no significant differences in performances of exposed and non-exposed groups either during acquisition (learning) or during probe test (memory retention). Results from experiment 2 (posttraining exposure to EMFs) also indicated no significant differences among groups during acquisition or probe test. Conclusion: In these experiments, no effect of exposure to 950 MHz on acquisition or consolidation of spatial navigation of rats in a water maze was detected. Iran. J. Radiat. Res., 2009; 7 (1): 57­62
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