Alkaline phosphatase isozyme activity in serum from patients with chronic periodontitis.

Background:  High alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) is shown in the periodontal ligament due to the constant renewal of this tissue or pathological circumstances. We have previously shown that the activity level of this enzyme could be reflected at the serum level. Objectives:  Because the local production of ALP in the periodontal ligament is often of the bone-type enzyme, we studied the activity of this isozyme among the other isoforms in the serum of patients with chronic periodontitis in comparison with that of control subjects. Material and methods:  This study included 83 patients (59 with periodontal disease, 24 as control group) and we determined the total seric ALP activity and the percentage of the different isoforms (essentially bone, kidney and intestinal-types) by Ektachem analyser and gel agarose electrophoresis respectively. Conclusions:  By comparisons between the two groups, our results showed a relationship between loss of attachment in periodontal disease and a drop in bone ALP activity in serum. Moreover, these results suggested a gender based difference as well, with lower activity more frequent in women than in men.
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