Silver steps (PASSI d’Argento): setting up a national surveillance system of the population aged over 64. The results of the national experimental survey with a focus on physical activity

The surveillance system “PASSI d’Argento” (PDA) is promoted by the Ministry of Health and the Re - gions with the CNESPS technical-scientific support at the National Institute of Health. It has been de - signed with the purpose of making available useful information to decision makers for policies aimed at improving the quality of life of the population aged over 64. It is inspired to the WHO Active Ageing strategy, that foresees participation to the social life, health, economic and social protection as key fac - tors for healthy ageing 1 . PDA testing started in 2008 and lasted two years, thanks to commitment of Regions, Local Health Authorities and Municipalities, under Umbria Region coordination. It included two surveys in 16 regions, with a standardised and validated questionnaire that was administered by specifically trained interviewers and by means of either telephone or face-to-face interview. The sample was randomly selected by the list of residents of the Local Health Unit, aged over 64, not hospitalised and stratified by age and sex. One of the aspects that were studied was physical activity. It has been measured by PASE (Physical Activity for Elderly People) that estimates the activities over the last week in leisure, household and occupational activities. PASE questionnaire is a useful tool in epidemiological studies that permit to estimate the intensity of the physical activities; it promises to be a simple tool easy to use in clinical environment too. PDA has shown to be able to monitor health and social aspects of ageing in a systematic, sustainable, repeatable and comparable way, allowing intervention for the population over 64, aimed at improving their quality of life, according to an evidence-based decision making approach and an efficient use of resources.
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