The Unofficial History of the Marmara University Faculty of Pharmacy - Marmara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi'nin Resmi Olmayan Tarihi

Institutes have two sorts of history: First, the official one, that has been written in chronological order; and second, the unofficial one, which deals with experiences, problems and unrecorded incidents occurred within the institute, from a people-oriented perspective. This presentation summarizes the unofficial chronicle of the Marmara University Faculty of Pharmacy in its history of more than 50 years, of which I have witnessed the last 33 years. In the history of this Faculty, there are several breaking points with some positive and negative consequences. The first breaking point was the nationalization of the school in 1971, 8 years after its foundation in 1963. The second one was the implementation of the Personnel Act in 1979, following attempts to convert into a Faculty. After a difficult period between 1979 and 1982, integration with the Marmara University was the third breaking point. The years between 1982 and 1990, were unsatisfactory due to poor management of substitute deans out of Faculty. The next breaking point was the Faculty’s move from Nisantasi to Haydarpasa with a sudden decision which affected educational activities at least for two years. In the following years, the Faculty progressed rapidly and has become one of the most notable Faculties of Pharmacy in Turkey. Today, Faculty's move to Maltepe is under discussion. Ozet Marmara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi’nin tarihinde cesitli kirilma noktalari vardir ve bunlar kurumun gelismesinde olumlu veya olumsuz etkiler yapmislardir. Birinci kirilma noktasi 1963’te bir ozel okul olarak ogretime baslayan okulun 1971’de devletlestirilmesidir. Ikinci kirilma noktasi 1979’da okulun kadro kanununun cikmasi ve ardindan gelen fakulteye donusme girisimleridir. Cok sancili gecen 1979–1982 doneminin ardindan ucuncu kirilma noktasi okulun 1982’de yeni kurulan Marmara Universitesi’ne bir fakulte olarak baglanmasidir. 1982–1990 donemi Fakultenin kadrosunda olmayan dekanlar tarafindan yonetildigi ve bu nedenle yeterli duzeyde gelisim gosteremedigi bir donemdir. Dorduncu kirilma noktasi fakultenin yerlesmis oldugu Nisantasi’ndaki binasindan cok ani bir kararla Haydarpasa’ya tasinmasidir. Hazirliksiz olarak yapilan bu tasinma fakultenin en az iki yil sureyle egitim ve ogretimini onemli oranda etkilemistir. Butun bunlarin ardindan hizli bir gelisme icine giren fakulte gunumuzde Turkiye’deki Eczacilik Fakulteleri arasinda onde gelen bir yere sahiptir. Gunumuzde Fakultenin yeniden Maltepe’ye tasinmasi gundemdedir.
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