Multiscale Modeling of the Moist-Convective Atmosphere

AbstractOne of the most important contributions of Michio Yanai to tropical meteorology is the introduction of the concepts of apparent heat source Q1 and apparent moisture sink Q2 in the large-scale heat and moisture budgets of the atmosphere. Through the inclusion of unresolved eddy effects, the vertical profiles of apparent sources (and sinks) are generally quite different from those of true sources taking place locally. In low-resolution models, such as the conventional general circulation models (GCMs), cumulus parameterization is supposed to determine the apparent sources for each grid cell from the explicitly predicted grid-scale processes. Because of the recent advancement of computer technology, however, increasingly higher horizontal resolutions are being used even for studying the global climate, and, therefore, the concept of apparent sources must be expanded rather drastically. Specifically, the simulated apparent sources should approach and eventually converge to the true sources as the hori...
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