Children's human rights in underdeveloped country: A study in Ethiopian perspective

Children have human rights like any human being. In addition to the general human rights they also have special rights because of their status of mental and psychical development due to age. According to the 1989 convention on the rights of the child, ‘in all actions concerning children whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative institutions or legislative bodies, the best interest of the child shall be a primary consideration.’ Both parents and states party to the convention are responsible for the upbringing and development of the child according to the convention stated above. The upbringing and development requires hygiene, health care, access to edu-cation, environmental sanitation, preservation of accident and others. The convention recognizes to make primary education compulsory and available free to all.  It is not the only CRC but ILO too, which give priority with regards to the protection of child right. It is the state obligation to take appropriate measures for the same. But it is panic on the part of the state when it denies or escape in fulfilling its obligation because of the insufficient resources with it. And no doubt one can observe the same practice in the underdevelopment countries. Child exploitation, either economical or sexual, child abuse, neglect and trafficking are wildly observed in these countries. This might be related to several factors, like poverty, insufficient efforts and commitment from concerned bodies, law rates of reporting child abuse, cultural norms or values and harm full traditional practices or others. Any way these child exploration abuse and neglect highly affect the up bringing and development of the child including education. The same is with one of the underdeveloped country of Africa that is, Ethiopia.   Key words: Human rights, child rights, child abuse, sexual exploitation, child trafficking, Ethiopia.
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