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A semiconductor device comprises a first transistor having a composite gate structure containing a lamination of a first polycrystalline silicon film, an interlayer insulating film, and a second polycrystalline silicon film; and a second transistor having a single gate structure containing a lamination of a third polycrystalline silicon film and a fourth polycrystalline silicon film, wherein the first polycrystalline silicon film and the third polycrystalline silicon film have substantially the same thickness; the first polycrystalline silicon film and the third polycrystalline silicon film have different impurity concentrations controlled independently of each other; the second polycrystalline silicon film and the fourth polycrystalline silicon film have substantially the same thickness, and the second polycrystalline silicon film, the fourth polycrystalline silicon film, and the third polycrystalline silicon film have substantially the same impurity concentration. Also, a method for manufacturing the above-described semiconductor device is described.
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