Jóvátételi mintázatok hatása a jóvátételi igényekre és a megbocsátásra közeli kapcsolatokban = The effect of reparative actions on revenge motivations and on situational forgiving in close relationships

Kutatasunk egy kozeli kapcsolatban elszenvedett serelmet megjelenitő hipotetikus helyzetben vizsgalta a szemelyek (N = 237) becsult megbocsatasi valoszinűseget a sertő fel jovateteli torekveseinek es a valaszado szemelyek remenytelisegenek fuggvenyeben. Jovateteli kezdemenyezeskent a kapcsolat fontossagat hangsulyozo szolidaritas-kifejezest, a veszteseget helyrehozni kivano cselekedetet, valamint a sertett onertekelesenek a tamogatasat kulonboztettuk meg, a megbocsatasnak pedig a jovateteli igenyekről (a bosszurol) valo lemondashoz kotődő aspektusat emeltuk ki (vagyis lemondani a kapcsolat meglazitasanak, a karpotlasnak es a sajat onbecsules megtamogatasanak az igenyeről).Manipulalt fuggetlen valtozoinknak jellemzően az onallo hatasat mutattuk ki, melyek kozul a szolidaritas kinyilvanitasae forditottnak, a masik ket jovateteli adomanye viszont a megbocsatast valoszinűsitőnek mutatkozott. A jovateteli lepesek a remenytelenebb szemelyek eseteben kulonosen is pozitiv hatasuak. Eredmenyeink gyakorlati implikacioi is megjelenitesre kerulnek. | In our study we presented a story to the participants in which one member of a couple harmed his or her partner, and after that showed (or did not show) some reparative actions. A participant (N=237) imagined that he/she was the harmed partner and reported about his/her readiness to forgive. Situational forgiving was examined in the function of reparative actions and the hopelessness of the repliers. We distinguished between expressing solidarity, offering compensation and supporting the self-esteem of the offended party as reparative actions. Situational forgiving was conceptualized as declaration of readiness to forgive and also by the minimum requirement of forgoing reparation (revenge), namely, demand for loosening the relationship, getting compensation and getting support.The manipulated variables mostly had main effects on situational forgiving, where offering compensation and supporting self-esteem made situational forgiving more likely, but expressing solidarity had an inverse effect. Reparative actions from the offender, especially supporting self-esteem, turned out to be particularly important in the eyes of relatively hopeless persons. The practical implications of our results are discussed.
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