Virtualna izložba “Pruga prvoga svjetskog rata”: predstavljanje društvenih i prostornih fenomena pomoću arhivskoga gradiva i muzejske dokumentacije

This paper presents features of the virtual exhibition “First World War Rail Line / Ogulin - Plaski - Vrhovine (1912 / 1914-1918)“ within a theoretical framework of information sciences and from the aspect of exhibition and education. Problems related to an efficient presentation of complex spatiotemporal phenomena had an impact on the selection and presentation of archive material and museum documentation. Therefore, this paper further explores a specific use of archive material as a part of the virtual exhibition with regard to material’s nature, content, and readability, specific use of museum objects and their documentation, as well as, the use of digitized photographic representation. Museum items selected from the collections of the Croatian Railway Museum for this virtual exhibition are presented through a 3D display that allows a 360-degree view of the items. In addition to the archive and museum material, a prominent place is taken by contemporary photographs, especially videos which communicate a wide range of features belonging to specific technical or cultural heritage, such as documenting railway infrastructure, presenting exploitation of the rail line, conservation of JŽ 51-148 steam locomotive displayed in Ogulin, etc. The preparations for the exhibition are a practical example of museum education since the co-authors of the exhibition texts are history students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb who as volunteers researched the study material and designed the texts.
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