The role of pharmacies in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS in Mexico City

Pharmacies in Latin America are an important source of supply for medications and contraceptives and in many countries are centers of information and treatment for all social classes. Pharmacists could potentially play a significant role in prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and AIDS but thus far few attempts have been made to utilize pharmacists as educational agents in campaigns to control AIDS. 84 pharmacies of lower and upper middle social status located near large concentrations of sex workers were selected for a study of pharmacists knowledge of AIDS and of condom marketing strategies. 166 standardized open-ended interviews were conducted with pharmacists and 84 randomly selected pharmacies were visited by "simulated clients". Fewer than half of the pharmacists mentioned sexual contact as a way of acquiring HIV. 51% of the male and 41% of the female pharmacists mentioned condoms as a means of preventing STDs. Significant differences were found in responses of male and female pharmacists but the size of the pharmacy was not a significant influence. Around 25% of pharmacists stated they would provide information on STDs AIDS and condoms to any male adolescent who requested it. 60% of the male and 74% of the female pharmacists stated they would be willing to offer condoms to persons visiting the pharmacy for other motives. 63% of the male and 87% of the female pharmacists had never explained how to use condoms to a client. Most of the pharmacists felt that promotional articles pamphlets or gifts would be needed to promote condoms. Around 90% stated they would be willing to attend talks on AIDS STDs and condoms. The "simulated clients" observed that pharmacists in general are willing to talk to clients although their information is not always of high quality.
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