Hospital Care Cost Analysis of Patients with AIDS and AIDS Related Complex in Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health (ต้นทุนในการดูแลรักษาผู้ที่มีอาการสัมพันธ์กับโรคเอดส์และผู้ป่วยโรคเอดส์ในโรงพยาบาลสังกัดกระทรวงสาธารณสุข)

The purpose of this study is to inform decision makers in Thailand about the cost implications of AIDS treatment. This information will be an incentive to use resources as effectively as possible,aiming at preventing AIDS and improving patientsu lives.  The research was done to analyze cost components to Government including(1) routine service cost: RSC (cost/IP day) by using the retrospective data base from the Division of Provincial Hospital during 1988-1991, (2) medical care cost:MCC(cost/case) by using the retrospective data from the available medical records of patients with AIDS/ARC during 1988-1992,and (3) external cost: EC (cost/case) to the relatives of the patients which was cross-sectional prospective data denved from inspection interview questionnaires collected in regional and general hospitals.  It was found that the RSC(labour and operating cost) was Thai Baht 341.19 per IP day ($US 13.65: costin 1992),the MCC(laboratory test,procedures and medication cost) was Thai Bahi 4.236.47 per case ($US169.460),and the EC was Thai Baht 1.153.91 per case ($US 46,16). The aggregation of RSC and average MCC is c Hospital Care Coste. By using these costs and epidemic information, it will be able to help the government in predicting resources needed for AIDS/ARC medical care. The cost incurred by patients and their relatives can reflect annual income and household burden. Therefore this analysis will be implied to socio-economic impact of AIDS/ARC.
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