Detailed Conceptual Study of Nasya and its beneficial in Jatru urdhwagata rogas – a review study.

Ayurveda is an eternal science and deep ocean of knowledge which help to achieve longevity. It is the science of life and its main aim is to protect the health of the healthy and cure the disease of the diseased. When medicines are administered through nose is called “Nasya”. The word ‘Nasya’ is derived from ‘Nas dhatu’ which indicates nose or things useful to nose. Nasya is administered in many diseases and specifically Jatru urdhwagata rogas. Nasa is one among the panch gyanendriya and its functions are not only limited to Respiration and Olfaction but also considered as a channel way for administration of drugs. Nose is the entrance way for the shira. The medicine that is put into nasal orifice moves in the pathway and shows influence on shira by removing out the accumulated doshas through this channel way. When drugs administered through nostril reaches Shringataka (siramarma) and spreads in Murdha (head) taking route of Netra (eyes), Karna (ears), Kantha (throat) stretches the pathological doshas from Jatru urdhwa and removes them from Uttamanga.
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