Evidence Analysis of Gold Deposits in Epimetamorphic Detrital Catergoried to Orogenic Gold Deposit in Southeast Guizhou Province,China

By analogy analyzing the basic attributes of orogenic gold deposits in the world,this paper first suggests that the gold deposits in epimetamorphic detrital rocks in Southeast Guizhou Province are categorized to the orogenic gold deposit and the deposits are located in epizone,low greenschist facies area of crustal continuum model of orogenic-type gold deposits.There are 9 evidences to support this suggestion:(1) This area is located in external belt of the Caledonian intracontinental collision-type orogenic belt.(2) Deep structure is in the mantle slope belt and mantle depression zone.(3) The metamorphic degree of ore-bearing rocks is low-greenschist facies.(4) Each level of metallogenic units is controlled by different orders of geological structure respectively.(5) Most of the gold deposits are controlled by the brittle shear zone,some of them are controlled by brittle-ductile shear zone.(6) The gold deposits are located in epizone,low greenschist facies area of crustal continuum model of orogenic-type gold deposits,and they are single-element(Au) enrichment and mineralization.(7) The vertical zoning of metallogenetic element is low distinguishable in a gold deposit but the lateral zoning is distinct.(8) The ore-bearing fluid is generally rich with CO2 but low with salinity.(9) The gold mineralization is synchronous with the Caledonian metamorphism or slightly behind.
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