Rumen fermentation and nutrient utilization in sheep fed maize stover-based densified blocks

The effect of feeding maize stover based densified blocks (150x150x50mm3 in size and composed of 86% chopped maize stover, 10% molasses, 2% mineral mixture, 1% urea, 1% salt and 0.01% vitamin AD3) on rumen fermentation pattern and nutrient utilization in sheep was assessed by comparing with conventional system of feeding (concentrate mixture and ad libitum roughage). Both these diets were randomly allotted to twelve Deccani rams of comparable body weights equally divided into two groups in a completely randomized design. Feeding of maize stover-based densified blocks did not affect the nutrient and fibre digestibility except reduction in ether extract (P<0.01) and energy (P<0.05) digestibility. This resulted in ower digestible crude protein and total digestible nutrient content of the blocks compared to the conventional diet. The sheep fed maize stover-based densified blocks were under lower (P<0.01) plane of nutrition but could meet the normal requirements as evident by dry matter and nutrient intakes. Feeding of densified blocks did not affect the rumen fermentation pattern, except an increase (P<0.01) in rumen NH3-N compared to the conventional diet. Results of this study indicated that densified blocks containing maize stover and 10% molasses along with urea, minerals and vitamins could form a maintenance ration during feed scarcity.
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