Reconstructing P-T paths during continental collision using multi-stage garnet (Gran Paradiso nappe, Western Alps)

Garnet-chloritoid-bearing micaschists from the Gran Paradiso massif (Western Alps) contain evidence of a polymetamorphic evolution. Detailed textural observations reveal that two stages of garnet growth are present in the micaschists, interpreted as: (i) relics of an early metamorphism of pre-Alpine age and (ii) newly grown Alpine garnet, respectively. Both generations of garnet preserve growth zoning. From THERMOCALC-based numerical modelling of mineral assemblages in pressure-temperature (P-T) pseudosections, we infer that garnet 1 grew at increasing temperature and slightly increasing pressure, whereas garnet 2 grew at decreasing pressure and slightly increasing temperature. Estimated P-T conditions are � 620 C, 6 kbar for the peak of the pre-Alpine event, and of 490 C, 18-20 kbar for the pressure peak of the Alpine event. Modelling of the modal proportion and chemical composition of garnet (i) shows that the subsequent decompression (to 14-15 kbar at 550 C) must have been accompanied by moderate heating and (ii) does not support a stage of final temperature increase following decompressional cooling. This argues against a late thermal pulse associated with mantle delamination. Preservation of growth zoning in both generations of garnet and the limited amount of diffusive re-equilibration at the boundary between the two garnets suggests that the rocks were subjected to fast burial and exhumation rates, consistent with data obtained from other internal Alpine units.
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