On Experimental Verification Of The High Speed Chronotomography Technique

graphic projections. Subsequent processing-of this information has made it possible to accomplish a tomographicreconstruction of the time -spatial characteristics of the recorded process which shows an agreement with knownmodel characteristics. The perspective of this technique is discussed.1. INTRODUCTIONThe essence of the chronotomographic approach [1] is in treating a time -varying 2 -D image as a 3 -D image withtwo spatial and one time coordinates. From a tomographic viewpoint, the knowledge of a certain set of projectiondata from such a time -spatial object allows reconstruction of its time slices which, in fact, are a sequence of usualcineframes. In practice [2], the required projections may be obtained through scanning a set of multipled imagesof the initial picture along the film at different scanning rates. The future of this technique may be in recording asequence of frames with a frequency close to the inversed time resolution of the streak camera used for scanning.2. AN EXPERIMENTAL SETUP USED IN OBTAININGFIVE PHOTOGRAMSAs follows from above, chronotomography is a two -step process, the first step of which produces a set of slitless
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