Carbachol nasal provocation test in vasomotor and polyposis rhinopathy

A group of 117 subjects suffering from vasomotor rhinopathy (33 with nasal polyposis) were studied with the nasal provocation test with carbacholine in order to evaluate aspecific nasal reactivity. The results obtained by quantifying the variations in nasal secretions and rhinomanometric resistance after application of the test substance indicate the following: a marked hypersecretory response and obstruction in 80% of the vasomotor rhinitis cases; a more marked aspecific reactivity in perennial allergic rhinitis sufferers than in those with seasonal atopic rhinopathy; a lack of statistical significance between the group of those with atopic polyposis and those with a negative skin test. The authors conclude by confirming the usefulness of the test for aspecific reactivity in the diagnosis of vasomotor rhinopathy and propose its use for better screening those patients to undergo specific hyposensitivity therapy.
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