Survey and contemplation on the views of contemporary college students regarding employment choice and obtaining employment

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the assignment system of the higher education institution graduates in our country has been switching from "state-arranged assignment" to "double direction choice within a certain limit"; that is, graduates can choose their employers and employers can choose graduates to be their employees. To understand contemporary students' situation of employment choice and obtaining employment after the switch, the author conducted a questionnaire survey on nearly 1,000 students in higher education institutions. Statistics from this survey indicate that most of the students approve of, and can adjust to, the switch and have correct views regarding employment choice and obtaining employment. But there are still big problems, like overexpectation and the negative influence of society's general mood. The author believes that in order to improve the employment assignment system of graduates, their psychological education on employment should be strengthened, and many unreasonable factors...
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