Non-lethal? Penetrating chest injury due to beanbag bullet

We report a case of serious lung injury from beanbag bullet. A 46-year-old gentleman, shot with beanbag bullets was brought to the emergency department. Upon arrival he was in obvious respiratory distress and complained of severe pain in the right chest. A 3.0×3.5 cm entry wound on the right parasternal area was identified. Chest x-ray revealed a right haemopneumothorax, parenchymal changes at the right lung base and a radiopaque foreign body. A right-sided intercostal chest tube was inserted, draining air and 750 ml of blood. After stabilisation patient underwent a right thoracotomy. A beanbag bullet was found in the oblique fissure of the right lung, with extensive haematoma of the middle lobe. The bullet and skin fragments overlying the lung and along the bullet track were extracted. The pleural cavity was washed with normal saline and haemostasis was confirmed. The patient had an uneventful postoperative recovery.
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