Side-effects of topical androgenic and anabolic substances and steroids. A short review.

UNLABELLED: There is an increasing interest, including androgenic and anabolic substances (AAS). The uncritical use may be associated with severe adverse effects. We observed five patients with different patterns of adverse reaction to AAS: two females and three males, they were identified when seeking medical help and advice. The following adverse effects from of AAS have been observed: deepening of the voice due to topical use of AAS in an anti-cellulite cream; circumscribed hypertrichosis and late onset acneiform eruptions due to testosterone replacement therapy after ovariectomy; homolateral gynecomastia and infertility, acne and striae distensae in males using injectable AAS. CONCLUSIONS: ASS can trigger significant adverse effects. An interdisciplinary approach may be necessary for evaluation. The dermatologists should be familiar with the adverse effects.
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