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T2 Working Group Summary Report

The T2 Working Group has reviewed and discussed the issues and challenges of a wide range of magnet technologies: superconducting magnets using NbTi, Nb{sub 3}Sn and HTS conductor with fields ranging from 2-15 T and permanent magnets up to 4 T. The development time of these technologies varies significantly, but all are considered viable, providing an unprecedented variety of choice that can be determined by a balance of cost and application requirements. One of the most significant advances since Snowmass '96 is the increased development and utilization of Nb{sub 3}Sn. All of the current US magnet programs (BNL, FNAL, LBNL, and Texas A&M) have programs using Nb{sub 3}Sn. There are also active programs in HTS development at BNL and LBNL. A DOE/HEP sponsored program to increase the performance and reduce the cost of Nb{sub 3}Sn is in its second year. The program has already made significant advances. The current funding for this program is $500k/year and an increase to $2M has been proposed for FY02.
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