Purine de novo synthesis as the basis of synergism of methotrexate and 6-mercaptopurine in human malignant lymphoblasts of different lineages

Abstract Methotrexate (MTX) causes an inhibition of purine de novo synthesis (PDNS), resulting in increased intracellular availability of 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) in human malignant lymphoblasts with an active PDNS. Normal bone marrow cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes lack this capacity. The increased levels of PRPP can be used for enhanced incorporation of 6-mercaptopurine (6MP), indicating a potential time-, sequence- and dose-dependent synergism of both drugs. The effects of 0.02 μM and 0.2 μM MTX on the PDNS of MOLT-4 (T-), RAJI (B-) and KM-3 (non-B-non-T-) human malignant lymphoblasts were studied with respect to PRPP levels, aminoimidazolecarboxamide ribonucleosidemonophosphate (AICAR) levels and the incorporation of labeled glycine into purine metabolites. These results were correlated with the activity of the PDNS (labeled glycine incorporation) and the purine salvage pathway (labeled hypoxanthine incorporation) in untreated cells. Inhibition of PDNS by 0.02 μM MTX was complete in KM-3 cells with a moderately active PDNS and salvage pathway. RAJI cells, with a relatively low PDNS and high salvage pathway, demonstrated an incomplete, but increasing inhibition of PDNS, whereas inhibition of PDNS in MOLT-4 cells with both pathways active was minimal and recovered in time. Treatment with 0.2 μM MTX resulted in a complete inhibition of PDNS in all cell lines. After treatment with MTX an enhanced incorporation of labeled hypoxanthine and 6MP was noticed, confirming the potential rescue from MTX cytotoxicity by hypoxanthine and a potential synergism of MTX and 6MP on cytotoxicity. The enhanced incorporation of 6MP was more obvious in RAJI and KM-3 cells in comparison with MOLT-4 cells. These data demonstrate the important role of both the activities of the PDNS and the purine salvage pathway in malignant lymphoblasts of different subclasses with respect to the synergism of MTX and 6MP.
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