Invertebrates of the Macocha Abyss (Moravian Karst, Czech Republic)

The invertebrates of the Macocha Abyss, Moravian Karst, Czech Republic, were collected in 2007–2008 and 222 species were identified in total. The relative abundance of individual taxa of land snails, harvestmen, pseudoscorpions, spiders, millipedes, centipedes, terrestrial isopods, beetles, and ants was evaluated. The cold-adapted mountain and subterranean species inhabit the bottom and lower part of the abyss, whereas the sun-exposed rocky margins were inhabited by thermophilous species. Macocha harbors several threatened species that are absent or very rare in the surrounding habitats. In the forest landscape, the Macocha Abyss represents a natural habitat with a distinct microclimatic gradient, and is an excellent refuge area for psychrophilous as well as thermophilous species, which significantly contributes to maintenance of landscape biodiversity. Key words: Ants, centipedes, beetles, biodiversity, harvestmen, land snails, light hole, millipedes, pseudoscorpions, terrestrial ispods, spiders. Nevretencarji brezna Macoha (Moravski kras, Republika Ceska) Med vzorcenjem v letih 2007 in 2008 smo v jami Macoha dolocili 222 vrst nevretencarjev. Ovrednotili smo relativno pogostost posameznih taksonov polžev, suhih južin, pascipalcev, pajkov, stonog, kopenskih enakonožcev, hroscev in mravelj. Na mraz prilagojene gorske in podzemeljske vrste naseljujejo dno in spodnji del brezna, toploljubne vrste pa naseljujejo kamnite povrsine soncu izpostavljenega roba. V Macohi je vec ogroženih vrst, ki jih sicer v okoliski pokrajini ne najdemo. Kot habitat s specificno mikroklimo je Macoha izjemno zatocisce za vlagoljubne in toploljubne vrste, ki pomembno prispevajo k vzdrževanju biotske raznovrstnosti v pokrajini. Kljucne besede: Mravlje, stonoge, hrosci, suhe južine, kopenski polži, stonoge, psevdoskorpijoni, kopenski enakonožci, pajki, biotska raznovrstnost.
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