Bovine ephemeral fever in Taiwan (2001-2002).

Bovine ephemeral fever (BEF), a vector-borne disease of cattle, is caused by the Ephemerovirus of the family Rhabdoviridae. In the past 40 years, Taiwan has had seven BEF epizootics, and we have previously reported the first five. This study summarizes the 2001 and 2002 epizootics; conducted case-control serologic studies on 10 herds involved in the 2001 epizootic; determined whether the recent BEF viruses have varied significantly; and discusses the relationship between epizootic patterns and possible variant BEF viruses. For mature cows that had received at least 2 doses of vaccine before the study, a negative correlation between the prevaccinated (the 3rd dose and after) serum neutralization antibody (SNA) titers and their postvaccinated peak rates was found. When prevaccinated SNA levels were at ≤ 32, their postvaccinated SNA levels increased significantly faster (P 32, at more than 2 doses, or at intervals shorter than 6 months are not advisable. The occurrence of frequent small epizootics implies the dominance of BEF virus over host immunity, but not a variant virus.
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