Abstrak Proses Pemesanan merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang perdagangan. PT. Primarindo Asia Infrastructure merupakan salah satu perseroan yang bergerak di industri alas kaki, meliputi produksi sepatu jenis sport/casual. Proses pemesanan sepatu langsung pada PT. Primarindo Asia Infrastructure dilakukan dengan cara customer mendatangi toko. Dalam menjalankan proses pemesanan terdapat permasalahan yang berpotensi mengganggu jalannya aktivitas bisnis perusahaan. Diantaranya model pesanan berbeda dengan permintaan customer sistem pemesanan tidak dapat menyimpan pesanan baru karena masalah pada CPU, dan pengiriman produk terlambat sampai ke customer. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi akar masalah pada proses pemesanan dan dilakukan perbaikan proses berdasarkan requirements perbaikan proses dengan metode business process improvement tahap keenam yaitu apply improvement technique menggunakan tools improvement wheel dan analisis kebutuhan pemilik proses. Dari hasil pengolahan data tersebut, diperoleh empat requirement yang membantu dalam merancangan perbaikan proses dan satu requirement berdasarkan objektif proses. Setelah diperoleh empat requirements perbaikan proses, hasil akhir dari penelitian ini berupa perancangan perbaikan proses dan otomatisasi berupa perancangan user interface sistem dokumentasi pemesanan berbasis website. Penggunaan rancangan user interface sistem dokumentasi berbasis website dapat mengurangi potensi kesalahan yang ada dan meminimasi dampak komplain customer. Kata Kunci: proses pemesanan, business process improvement, improvement wheel, kebutuhan pemilik proses, user interface Abstract The ordering process is one of the important elements in the company. PT. Primarindo Asia Infrastructure is the company engaged in the footwear industry, include production of sports/casual shoe types. The process of ordering shoes products at PT. Primarindo Asia Infrastructure by customers come directly to the store. . In conducting the order process there are problems that potentially interfere with the business activities in PT. Primarindo Asia Infrastructure. There are the order models are different from customer demand, the ordering system can not save new orders due to CPU problems, and the delivery of late product to the customer. Thus, this research is done to identify the root of the problem in the process of ordering and process improvement based on requirements improvement process with the method of business process improvement phase apply improvement technique and analysis of the needs of the process owner. From the results of the data processing, obtained four requirements that help in designing the improvement of the process. Once gained four process improvement requirements, the final result of the research was the design of process improvement and automation in the form of designing user interface system based booking documentation. Keywords: ordering process, business process improvement, apply improvement technique, improvement wheel, requirement process owner, user interface
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