MR-compatible assistance system for punction in a high-field system: device and feasibility of transgluteal biopsies of the prostate gland

We present the first cadavic study results concerning the feasibility of the use of an MR-guided assistance system, Innomotion (Innomedic, Herxheim, Germany), for accurate and consistent placement of percutaneous needles in the prostate gland. The MR-compatible assistance system consists of a C-arch, guiding arm and application module (AMO). T1-weighted fast low angle shot (FLASH) 2-D-GRE sequence (TR/TE=110/4 ms) and T2-weighted turbo spin-echo (TSE)-sequences (TR/TE=3200/97 ms) in transversal orientation were used for the monitoring of the punction of the prostate gland. Planning and control of the intervention is to be made outside the scanner room on a desktop computer that receives DICOM images from the scanner. Servopneumatic drives move the AMO to the insertion point. The physician has to introduce the punction needle manually. The mean deviation of the needle tip to the target in a gel phantom was 0.35 mm. An accurate punction of the prostate gland can easily be performed using this system with a transgluteal access. The T2-weighted images are superior for the evaluation of the prostate anatomy and the needle position during the interventions. In conclusion, our preliminary results indicate that this MR-guided assistance system is suitable for an accurate transgluteal needle placement in the prostate.
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