Collection of blood-engorged black flies (Diptera: simuliidae) and identification of their source of blood

Blood-engorged black flies were captured by 2 methods: early morning application of a quick knock down insecticide (resmethrin) into tree canopiCs, and late afternbon to eaily evening truck trapping. More engorged flies were captured per man-hour with the tree spraying method than with the truck tr?p. The percentages of females captured by the spraying and truc-k tiap methods that were engorged were 18 and 1.3, respectively. The most commonly engorged species captuied were Prosimulium ml9nryry and P. mixtumf fuscurn, and. Simuliurn jenningsi and S. ienuiturn Q0% of total). Blood sources of 12 black fly species were identified. Mammals comprised 95% of the blood sources identified. The most common hosts were geuines (31%), bovines (25%) and raccoons (19%). Seven percent of all meals identified were from mixed sources, of which 43% involved both mammals and birds.
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