Effects of bodily arousal on desire to drink alcohol among trauma-exposed college students.

Abstract Introduction Alcohol consumption on college campuses is a major public health concern. Extant literature has identified trauma exposure as a robust risk factor for problematic alcohol use in this at-risk population. However, the mechanisms underlying this association are less well-studied. Research indicates that bodily arousal is a fundamental feature of trauma exposure, and posits that internal stimuli (e.g., heart pounding) at the time of trauma may manifest into conditioned cues that can trigger posttraumatic responding and related symptomatology, including alcohol use. However, past work supporting these assertions has used paradigms purposefully designed to evoke memories of the trauma, making it difficult to ascertain whether the mechanism driving subsequent alcohol craving is the explicit memory cue or the associated bodily arousal. Methods The current study examined whether an implicit, trauma-relevant cue of bodily arousal (via voluntary hyperventilation) – independent of any explicit memory cue – would elicit increased desire to drink among 104 (Mage = 20.30; 61.5% female) trauma-exposed undergraduates. Results Results found no statistically significant difference in change in alcohol craving between the hyperventilation and control tasks. However, secondary analyses indicated that trauma type (i.e., interpersonal/non-interpersonal) may play an influential role in this relationship. More specifically, individuals reporting interpersonal trauma as their most traumatic event evidenced a significantly greater increase in desire to drink following hyperventilation compared to the non-interpersonal index trauma group. Discussion Generally, these findings suggest that bodily arousal may only serve as an implicit, trauma-relevant interoceptive cue that increases desire to drink within a specific subset of trauma-exposed college students (i.e., individuals indexing interpersonal trauma). Replication and extension are needed to further understand the influence of bodily arousal on subsequent alcohol use behavior, which will be critical to PTSD-alcohol use modeling and, ultimately, help in informing prevention- and treatment-oriented intervention efforts aimed at reducing problematic alcohol use on college campuses.
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