The article considers the virtualization server of Rosstat information and computing system, the implementation of which affects the successful functioning of all subsystems. The analysis was carried out, highlighting the most important parameters and characteristics in order to determine the required capacity and select the appropriate hardware for the virtualization server. This direction is marked by high relevance; the management of Rosstat pays great attention to improving the information and computing system of state statistics bodies. The technical equipment directly affects the operation of the entire system and must be coordinated with the installed software. The information stored in Rosstat systems is of high value to the state, and great attention is paid to its storage and processing. Improving the efficiency of the technical component is one of the important development tasks of Rosstat. The huge scale of activity requires a high degree of reliability and large capacities of the equipment being introduced. Currently, the process of introducing a centralized system is underway, which indicates a trend towards an increase in the degree of centralization of body management in comparison with previous periods, when the processing and transmission of data was carried out mainly, mainly at the level of subjects. In connection with the process of centralization, the main areas of activity of statistics bodies are being revised and optimized: the procedure for interacting with legal entities and individuals, reduction and optimization of reporting forms, changes in the conduct of regular censuses and other elements of work. All this is based on the introduction of modern information technology tools and software. The modern market of information and technical means offers a wide range of various equipment, the choice of which determines the stability of the operation of the entire software and hardware complex, on the basis of which the CDPS is deployed
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