Yeast mitochondrial RNA polymerase primes mitochondrial DNA polymerase at origins of replication and promoter sequences.

Abstract Three proteins phylogenetically grouped with proteins from the T7 replisome localize to yeast mitochondria: DNA polymerase γ (Mip1), mitochondrial RNA polymerase (Rpo41), and a single-stranded binding protein (Rim1). Human and T7 bacteriophage RNA polymerases synthesize primers for their corresponding DNA polymerases. In contrast, DNA replication in yeast mitochondria is explained by two models: a transcription-dependent model in which Rpo41 primes Mip1 and a model in which double stranded breaks create free 3′ OHs that are extended by Mip1. Herein we found that Rpo41 transcribes RNAs that can be extended by Mip1 on single and double-stranded DNA. In contrast to human mitochondrial RNA polymerase, which primes DNA polymerase γ using transcripts from the light‐strand and heavy-strand origins of replication, Rpo41 primes Mip1 at replication origins and promoter sequences in vitro. Our results suggest that in ori1 , short transcripts serve as primers, whereas in ori5 an RNA transcript longer than 29 nucleotides is used as primer.
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