Эффективность экстрактов Saussurea controversa и Fillipendula ulmaria на фоне антибиотикотерапии остеомиелита в эксперименте

The course application of Saussurea controversa and Fillipendula ulmaria extracts containing a wide range of flavonoglycosides for the treatment of experimental osteomyelitis leads to stimulation of granulopoiesis in 2.8 and 2.2 ( p = 0.04) times, respectively, and bone regeneration (density distribution of osteoblasts increased 5 times, p = 0.02) in the affected area in rats. In the bone marrow of rats, there was an increase in the mitotic activity of granulocytes, the number of myeloblasts in 5.6 and 4.2 times ( p = 0.02), and the mature forms of granulocytes (2.5 and 1.5 times, p = 0.04) as a result of the antibiotic therapy. Application of the S. controversa extract in the bone marrow of rats with a model osteomyelitis increases the total number of nucleated cells in 2.7 ( p = 0.04) times. There was marked stimulation of regenerative processes (activation of endoosteum and periosteum cells, formation of granulation tissue), and formation of mature bone tissue, which was more pronounced (by 12%, p = 0.02) upon the application of S. controversa extract in comparison to the meadowsweet extract.
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