Research Informed consent for research obtained during the intensive care unit stay

Introduction Patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) may be in an inadequate condition to give their informed consent for research. The aim of this study was to analyse the ability to recall participation in a clinical trial for which ICU patients had given their consent. Methods The data presented are a two-step observational study: first, a protocolled informed consent procedure was conducted then the informed consent was given by the patient, and second, a patient interview was held 10 ± 2 days later by the same investigator. The primary endpoints were the ability to recall their participation in the clinical trial, as well as its purpose and related risks. As secondary endpoints, we investigated whether asking questions about the clinical trial or reading the informative leaflet was related to the recall. To be included in the study, the patient had to have a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15, be fully oriented and free of mechanical ventilation, and be judged competent by both the investigator and the attending physician. Patients admitted to the ICU after major surgery or trauma were eligible. However, patients who refused to participate, or those whose next-of-kin gave consent, were excluded.
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