Lipophilic recombinant-protein insertion endows lymphocytes with enhanced targeting-infiltration ability in EGFR positive cancer.

Adoptive T cell transfer is one of the most promising ways to combat solid tumors. However, the weak infiltration of T cells into tumor sites has restricted their antitumor efficacy. To overcome this obstacle, we used the lipophilic protein painting strategy to improve tumor targeting and penetrating capacity of lymphocytes for the first time. We synthesized the lipid anchor consisting of a bispecific recombinant protein iRGD-antiEGFR and DSPE-PEG derivates, then successfully inserted it into the membranes of T cells. This surface modification was non-invasive and could efficiently improve the infiltration ability of T cells into multicellular spheroids and tumor masses. The surface modified T cells also displayed superior antitumor activities in EGFR-positive tumor xenografts via systematic infusion. Moreover, the permeability and antitumor efficacy of these surface painted T cells could be remarkably enhanced when used in combination with local low-dose irradiation.
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