Influence of geographic variation on morphometric traits of seeds, pods and germination behavior of Albizia procera

In present study pattern of variation among seeds, pods and germination behavior of Albizia procera seeds, collected from different provenances of Himachal Pradesh, was evaluated. Various locations of Himachal Pradesh were visited to mark and select the trees of Albizia procera for collection of planting material. Morphometricl characters of collected pods and seeds as well as germination behavior of seeds were studied to select the best seed source for plantation and agroforestry programs. Various pod and seed parameters viz., pod length (cm), number of seeds per pod, pod weight of 100 pods (gm), pod width (cm), pod thickness (cm) and seeds viz., seed length (cm), seed weight of 100 seeds (gm), seed width (cm) and seed thickness (cm) were evaluated for selection of quality seeds. Further the seeds from best seed source were tested for the determination of viability. Best response for all pod and seed parameters were obtained with seeds from Baddi. So, on the basis of results obtained, it was concluded that seeds from Baddi can be used for plantation and agroforestry programs. It can be concluded that the observed patterns of variation will have implications for genetic resources conservation and tree improvement.
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