The synergy of peer-to-peer mentorship

Introduction: Queensland University of Technology (QUT) provides a range of programs and activities designed to support student learning, engagement and success. QUT is committed to enhancing the first year experience so that all first year students will have an opportunity to engage in peer-to-peer interactions, which will assist the first year student’s transition to university life. It was as part of this strategy that the Medical Imaging Peer Support Scheme (MIPSS) began in 2015 with the support of QUT Peer Programs and QUT Ethics Approval. Focus: MIPSS is a program where third year medical imaging students voluntarily engage with first year students to share their experience through interactions during timetabled classes in the tutorial and medical imaging laboratory settings. Whilst providing first year students with a valuable opportunity to connect with an experienced third year student who ‘has been there and done that’, MIPSS also provides the third year students with a student leadership and development opportunity in preparation for their future professional roles. Outcomes: Feedback from the students who participated in both year groups regarding their experiences, and the value of peer to peer interactions has been positive. The outcome shows a mutualistic relationship where the two student groups have worked together, with each drawing benefits from the interaction.
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