Biophoton research in blood reveals its holistic properties.

Monitoring of spontaneous and luminophore amplified photon e mi ssion (PE) from non-di luted human blood under restin g conditions and a rtifi ciall y induced immune reacti o n revealed th at blood is a continuous source of biophoto ns indicatin g th at it pers ists in electroni cally excit ed state. This s tate is pumped through gene ra ti o n of e le ctro n excitation produced in reactive oxygen species (ROS) reaction s. Excited state of bl ood and of neutrophil suspensions (primary sources of ROS in blood) is an oscill a to ry o ne suggestin g o f interactio n between indi vidua l sources of electron excitation . Excited stat e of blood is ex tre mely sensitive to the tini est nuctuations of ex ternal photonic fie lds but resista nt to temperature variations as re nected in hysteresis of PE in response to temperature variations . These data suggest that blood is a hi ghl y coope rat iv e no n-equilibrium and no n-linear syste m, w hose compo ne nts unceas in g ly inte ract in time and space. At least in part thi s property is provided by th e abilit y o f blood to sto re e ne rgy of e lectron excitati o n that is produced in course of it s own normal metabol ism. From a prac ti cal point of view analys is of th ese qualities of blood may be a basement of new approach to diagnostic procedures.
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