Mucous membrane of the gastric antrum in late periods after selective proximal vagotomy with surgical drainage of the stomach and duodenum

: A clinicomorphological analysis was performed of the gastric antrum mucous membrane of 60 patients after selective proximal vagotomy because of stenosing duodenal ulcer. The patients were subdivided into two randomized groups depending on the type of the draining operation. The first group had a gastroduodenoanastomosis for the gastric drainage and the second group underwent duodenum plasty (drainage of the duodenum). Discontinuation of the pylorus function in the gastric drainage operation resulted in higher incidence and intensity of duodenum-gastric reflux and made more severe antrum gastritis; reflux-gastritis developed frequently. Morphological signs of reflux-gastritis in 95% of cases coincided with the results of the radionuclide method. Duodeno-gastric reflux decreased as a rule Helicobacter pylori (HP) contamination of the mucous membrane but did not eliminate it completely in all cases. The combination of these two factors resulted in more severe gastritis than that provoked by each of them separately. The etiology of gastritis and its intensity may be determined only by morphological examination of gastric mucous membrane. The results of endoscopic and histologic methods coincided in 70% of cases. Duodenal-gastric reflux, HP and high acid production play a certain role in ulcer recurrence.
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