A bridge to treatment: the needle exchange pilot program in New York City.

The needle exchange pilot program in New York City is one element in a spectrum of drug prevention and treatment modalities under way to slow the spread of the human immunodeficiency virus. The program's aim is to help us learn about the addict behaviors that spread the AIDS virus, including whether needle exchange can help reduce the frequency or eliminate those behaviors. Thus far, its primary value for clients lies in drug counseling and referral to treatment. Where an active IV drug user has taken the first step in changing the direction of his or her life by seeking treatment, needle exchange has been a significant means of helping keep that change in focus. Because of its value in helping change, and save, the lives of intravenous drug users and their sex partners and children, it should be expanded, and should be considered for adaption by other communities according to their needs as one relatively small element in a comprehensive AIDS prevention program.
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