Indur Samba—A Super fine grain, Short-Duration, Gall Midge-Resistant Rice Variety

Indur Samba (RDR763) is a short duration (120-125 d) rice variety derived from Samba Mahsuri/Surekha. It is resistant in gall midge endemic areas (Table 1) where sowings extend until 30 Jul in the wet season, and it is suitable for cultivation in winter and summer seasons. Indur Samba is a dwarf plant (75 cm) with medium-tillering (panicle-bearing tillers, 15-16 hill -1 ) and erect leaves (see figure). It is semicompact, photoperiodinsensitive, and fertilizer-responsive. All plant parts are green. Panicle exsertion is complete. The panicle length is 18.9 cm with 213 grains panicle -1 . The test weight is 15.2 g and 12.2 g (kernel). Head rice recovery is 67%. It recorded grain yields higher by 17%, than check Hamsa, and grain yield potential is 7.0 t ha -1 (Table 2).
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