ems-drd - a new open platform for distributed real-time programming

A collaboration project with SENGATEC has resulted in a platform for distributed real-time programming which consists of an open source virtual machine for distributed real-time control, named rt-dvml and a toolset ems-drd, intended to help application engineers to configure and to develop distributed control applications. Driven by Internet technologies, new commercial requirements like concurrent manufacturing and progress in computer architecture, it is now evident that future automation systems will be based on cluster technology: up to several hundred embedded controllers with different architectures and performance will be needed for the goal of just-in-time and just-on-demand production. The search for the "right" architecture for a virtual machine (VM) which meets all real-time requirements, the different available features (memory sizes, performance) for the targets and the simplicity of the model are the driving forces throughout the development stage of our platform, not to mention the usability tests we have done in parallel to create a user-friendly platform. The rt-dvm turns a heterogeneous world of embedded controllers into a homogeneous world of one machine with a small set of orthogonal commands. Every other higher level control concept can be built on our VM. The actual underlying technology is the open source software Linux and RT-Linux (FSMLabs). The development platform ems-drd is based on two premises: the simplicity of the operation and the modularity of the entire program package. Through that it offers enterprises in flexible form the potential to integrate system know-how over the rt-dvm into their own processes. The features and strengths of this new approach to distributed real-time programming will be demonstrated in the exhibition area of INDIN'04. Further information can be found on http://www.ems-drd.com
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