Fish and diadromy in Europe (ecology, conservation, management) : proceedings of the symposium held 29 March - 1 April 2005, Bordeaux, France

Diadromy, history and ecology: a question of scale.- Life history correlates and extinction risk of capital-breeding fishes.- Dopaminergic systems in the European eel: characterization, brain distribution, and potential role in migration and reproduction.- Morphological analysis of geographic variation of sea lamprey ammocoetes in Portuguese river basins.- Life history changes in Atlantic salmon from the River Dee, Wales.- Glass eel recruitment, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in a Mediterranean lagoon assessed by a glass eel trap: factors explaining the catches.- Impact of glass eel fishery on by-catch fish species: a quantitative assessment.- Mercury contamination and life history traits of Allis shad Alosa alosa (Linnaeus, 1758) and Twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacepede, 1803) in the gironde estuary (South West France).- Upstream passage problems for wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in a regulated river and its effect on the population.- Poor water quality constrains the distribution and movements of twaite shad Alosa fallax fallax (Lacepede, 1803) in the watershed of river Scheldt.- Aspects of anadromous Allis shad (Alosa alosa Linnaeus) and Twaite shad (Alosa fallax Lacepede) biology in four Irish Special Areas of Conservation (SACs): status, spawning indications and implications for conservation designation.- Potential re-establishment of diadromous fish species in the River Scheldt (Belgium).- Return of twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacepcde, 1803) to the Southern Baltic Sea and the transitional area between the Baltic and North Seas.- Does global warming impact on migration patterns and recruitment of Allis shad (Alosa alosa L.) young of the year in the Loire River, France?.
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