Dolor abdominal intenso y recurrente que responde a pautas cortas de prednisona

espanolIntroduccion: estudio retrospectivo de 12 pacientes, con Dolor Abdominal Cronico Intercurrente (DAR) de 8 a 20 anos de edad. Material y metodos: los pacientes presentaban DAR con duracion de 6 meses a 8 anos, e intensidad de 7 a 9/10, estudiados e ingresados en diferentes Consultas de Gastroenterologia y Hospitales, sin responder al tratamiento indicado. A tres se les intervino de apendicitis, sin Anatomia Patologica que las confirmara. Excepto en un caso, se realizaron estudios completos para descartar patologia abdominal. Resultados: casualmente respondieron a pautas cortas de prednisona (1mg/kg/dosis): maximo tres dosis y excepcionalmente tres tandas. Conclusiones: no se han encontrados referencias bibliograficas a estos resultados. Los autores ignoran las causas que motivan lo citado. EnglishIntroduction: retrospective study of 12 patients from 8 to 20 years old, with Chronic Abdominal Pain (RAP). Methods: The patients suffered DAR in a length from 6 months to 8 years and an intensity from 7 to 9/10. They were studied and hospitalized in different Gastroenterology Consulting rooms and Hospitals, without responding to the therapy. Three of them were operated on appendicitis, without Pathological Anatomy which confirmed that. Excepting one case, complete studies were done in order to dismiss abdominal pathology. Results: By coincidence, they responded to brief treatments of Prednisone (1mg/kg/dosage): maximum three doses and exceptionally three series. Conclusions: They haven't been found bibliographic references referred to these results. The authors ignore the causes that trigger that issue.
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