Erratum: The Unintended Side Effects of Bioplastics: Carbon, Land, and Water Footprints (One Earth (2020) 3(1) (45–53), (S2590332220303055), (10.1016/j.oneear.2020.06.016))

(One Earth 3, 45–53, July 24, 2020) In the originally published version of this article, the authors inadvertently used global volumes of bioplastics in plastic packaging instead of European volumes for Figure 1C. After noticing this, the authors recalculated European bioplastic packaging consumption, and as such, Figure 1 and its legend have been corrected in the online article (as shown below) to reflect all data sources used for estimating European bioplastic volumes in Figure 1C. In the Experimental Procedures, the Data and Code Availability section has been updated, and the section “Estimation of European Bioplastic Volumes” has been added. Additionally, reference 69 is new, and two incorrect citations of a Table 3 (which is not present in the article) have been changed to Figure 2 and Table 2 on pages 49 and 51, respectively. These changes do not affect the conclusions of the article because Figure 1 is not used in later calculations; it is rather an illustrative description of the role of bioplastics in the current European packaging market. The authors sincerely apologize to readers for any confusion that may have resulted from this oversight. [Figure presented] [Figure presented]
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