Photophysical properties of zinc phthalocyanine–uridine single walled carbon nanotube – conjugates

Abstract The photophysical properties of the conjugate of uridine and zinc mono carboxy phenoxy phthalocyanine (ZnMCPPc–uridine, 4 ) are reported in this work. The conjugate was also adsorbed onto single walled carbon nanotubes (ZnMCPPc–uridine–SWCNT, 5 ). The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of 4 showed three N 1s peaks while that of 5 showed four N 1s peak, a new peak at 399.4 eV of 5 was assigned to pyrrolidonic nitrogen, due to the interaction of the pyrrolic nitrogen of 4 with the oxygen moiety of SWCNT–COOH in 5 . The triplet lifetime, triplet and singlet oxygen quantum yields of the zinc mono carboxy phenoxy phthalocyanine increased by over 40% in the presence of uridine. SWCNTs resulted in only a small quenching of the triplet state parameters of 4 .
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