Spector: An OpenCL FPGA benchmark suite

High-level synthesis tools allow programmers to use OpenCL to create FPGA designs. Unfortunately, these tools have a complex compilation process that can take several hours to synthesize a single design. This creates a significant barrier for design optimization since even experts typically need to test many designs due to the non-obvious interactions between the different optimizations. Thus, understanding the design space, and guiding the optimization process is a crucial requirement for enabling the widespread adoption of these high-level synthesis tools. However this requires a significant amount of design space data that is currently unavailable or difficult to generate. To solve this problem, we present an OpenCL FPGA benchmark suite. We outfitted each benchmark with a range of optimization parameters (or knobs), compiled over 8300 unique designs using the Altera OpenCL SDK, executed them on a Terasic DE5 board, and recorded their corresponding performance and utilization characteristics. We describe the resulting design spaces, and perform a statistical analysis of the optimization configurations which provides valuable architecture insights to FPGA developers. We make the benchmarks and results completely open-source to give opportunities for the community to perform additional analyses and provide a repository of well-documented designs for follow-on research.
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