On 2-form gauge models of topological phases

We explore 2-form topological gauge theories in (3+1)d. These theories can be constructed as sigma models with target space the second classifying space B2G of the symmetry group G, and they are classified by cohomology classes of B2G. For finite symmetry groups, 2-form topological theories have a natural lattice interpretation, which we use to construct a lattice Hamiltonian model in (3+1)d that is exactly solvable. This construction relies on the introduction of a cohomology, dubbed 2-form cohomology, of algebraic cocycles that are identified with the simplicial cocycles of B2G as provided by the so-called W -construction of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. We show algebraically and geometrically how a 2-form 4-cocycle reduces to the associator and the braiding isomorphisms of a premodular category of G-graded vector spaces. This is used to show the correspondence between our 2-form gauge model and the Walker-Wang model.
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