Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetism of Three Azido-Bridged Co2+ Compounds with a Flexible Coligand 1,2-(Tetrazole-1-yl)ethane

By utilizing suitable coligand endi (1,2-(tetrazole-1-yl)ethane)) with variable conformations, we synthesized three new azido-bridged Co 2+ compounds with molecular formulas Co(endi)(N 3 ) 2 (1, 3) and Co(endi) 2 (N 3 ) 2 (2) by tuning the stoichiometric ratio of ligand/metal and the concentration of the solution. All of the compounds have been characterized structurally and magnetically. In all three structures, the azide ions use the end-to-end mode to link the Co 2+ centers to the 1D chain (1) and 2D (4,4) layers (2 and 3). The endi coligands adopt a trans conformation in compound 1 and a gauche conformation in compounds 2 and 3. Linked by bridging endi, the 1D chains in compound 1 and 2D layers in compound 3 are extended, resulting in the final 2D layer for compound 1 and the 3D network for compound 3, whereas in compound 2, the endi acts as only a terminal ligand to separate the 2D layers. Compound 1 consists of dual end-to-end azido-bridged 1D Co 2+ chains that are linked by trans endi into a 2D layer and are further extended to a 3D framework through H bonds. Compound 2 is a 2D (4,4) layer that is connected by end-to-end azido ions. The gauche endi ligands act as terminal ligands to separate the neighboring layers thoroughly. Compound 3 has a (4,4) 2D layer that is similar to that of compound 2, and these layers are further extended to a 3D network through gauche endi. The magnetic investigation shows that compound 3 is antiferromagnetically coupled and compound 2 is a weak ferromagnet with a critical temperature of 22 K, which is quite high compared with that of the previously reported 2D azido-bridged Co 2+ compounds.
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